September 30, 2009


Once upon a time a very strong woodcutter ask for a job in a timber merchant, and he got it. The paid was really good and so were the work conditions. For that reason, the woodcutter was determined to do his best.

His boss gave him an axe and showed him the area where he was supposed to work.

The first day, the woodcutter brought 18 trees

"Congratulations," the boss said. "Go on that way!"

Very motivated for the boss’ words, the woodcutter try harder the next day, but he only could bring 15 trees. The third day he try even harder, but he only could bring 10 trees.Day after day he was bringing less and less trees.

"I must be losing my strength", the woodcutter thought. He went to the boss and apologized, saying that he could not understand what was going on.

"When was the last time you sharpened your axe?" the boss asked.

"Sharpen? I had no time to sharpen my axe. I have been very busy trying to cut trees..."

September 24, 2009

Struggle A Little, Then Fly

Once a biology class was going

on.. The teacher was teaching the class on how a butterfly comes

out of its cocoon... He brought a live cocoon to demonstrate a butterfly

coming out... Unfortunately he was called out on an urgent task before

the butterfly could come out... But before he went he warned the class that

on no condition should anyone help the butterfly to come out... He

went out and after some time the cocoon opened and the butterfly

started to come out...

One boy taking pity on the butterfly's struggle helped it

to come out... The sir returned and saw the butterfly and then asked the class...

Who helped the butterfly..

The boy raised his hand and confessed...

The sir said u did grave error in helping the butterfly...

In helping it u deprived the butterfly of it life's goal...

The initial struggle out of the cocoon should help the butterfly strengthen its wings...

now it will never fly...

We are also in some ways like this butterfly...

Now read on .....

Sometimes Struggles are exactly what we need in our life.

If we were to go through life without any obstacles,

It would cripple us.

We would not be as strong as we could have been

And we could never fly.

So next time you are faced with an obstacle,

A challenge, or a problem,

Struggle a little- then fly.

September 21, 2009

Back To Nature

selamat hari raya la maksudnye..

eid = pulang/ back
al-fitr = fitrah / nature


problem statement: adakah hari raya disambut dgn betul?

observation: tgk kt tv, mcm x disambut dgn betul.

inference: sebab semua (bukan semualah) berperangai mcm x pernah puase.

hypothesis: jika masyarakat tuh menghayati puasa ramadhan, maka hari raya akan diraikan dgn betul. and vice cersa.

apparatus and material : mata ngan otak yg sihat, pastu TV yg x rosakla..

conclusion: hypothesis is accepted. pikir sendirila conclusion.

-:tgk syuk, org raya, die buat experiment. die tu mmg rajinla..

P/S: selamat hari raya maaf zahir batin... (terutama kat barisan kepimpinan)


September 13, 2009

I Pledge My Loyalty

Pledge? Loyalty?
Don't even think about it.

I won't swim across a swamp of crocodiles,
Or stepping on an old french mine.

No matter what happens,
I'm not doing it,
Maybe it sounds brave,
But it is clearly a foolish act.

September 8, 2009


why wont the school take a break? im not in the mood right now.

September 3, 2009


dah 13 hari puasa non-stop menyebabkan lemak2 dalam badanku semakin hari semakin surut. percaya atau tidak, berat saya tak turun langsung. dari tahun lepas maintain berat, tp badan masih membesar lagi. kalau naik pon sekilo. itupon apabila stomach penuh dengan makanan.

bercakap tentang kekurusan, teringat pula akan negara2 yg kekurangan makanan. bumi mereka tidak mampu membuahkan hasil tanaman. tanah begitu gersang. pokok2 hanya dua tiga kerat sahaja. family ramai (sape suroh). walau sekerap mana pon PBB membuat rancangan2 bagi mengatasi masalah ini, namun tetap tidak mencapai jalan penyelesaian.

mari kita lihat negara malaysia yang maju. makanan melimpah-limpah ke ladang gandum. walaupun negara ini mempunyai bekalan makanan yg mencukupi, kenapa masih ade yg kurus? (saya x termasuk) kenapa ade yg obes? jika kita mendakwa negara kita makmur, kenapa ade yg papa kedana? tengok dekat Bersamamu sahaja dah ramai. kata 1Malaysia.

kenapa dan mengapa semua³ ini berlaku?


Menurut seorang ustaz di radio, boros didefinisikan sebagai menggunakan wang bukan di jalan allah. tgk di dalam peti ais kita sahaja, ustaz hasni boleh jamin bahawa masih berbaki lagi makanan yg dibeli 3 hari lalu di pasar ramadhan. keborosan dan pembaziran penduduk 1Malaysia sudah melampau. berdasarkan pengalaman saya bekerja katering di Putrajaya (OKK's kenduri), standard ambik ayam 2 ketul, seketul x usik. nasi suap sejemput je. SHTI.

Kesimpulannya, rancangan sifar miskin belum lagi diatasi Malaysia bahkan PBB. masalah antarabangsa ini bukanlah suatu yg mustahil utk ditangani kerana pemerintahan khalifah Umar Abdul Aziz telah membuktikannya. Kerajaan diharap agar tidak BOROS seperti membuat tandas berjuta² ringgit supaya HAK rakyat terpelihara.