September 20, 2008

I Want to Break Free

PMR is gettin closer, and the sweet freedom and peace awaits me. Ahh.. cant wait the moment comes.

I better get ready for the test. Cant type no more (and no ideas yet).

All the best in PMR.

September 18, 2008

Happy Trails

Most people think they are gonna be happy when they are rich, or shopping, or married(some said that to me). Yes, indeed.. but for how long will it lasts??? 10 years? 20 years??

Hah! The only way for a long lasting happiness is by feeling peace within yourself. Huh?? Let me give you a metaphor. You feel happy when you're singing or you sing when you're happy? Got it?

The conclusion is you decide wether you want feel good or not. Feeling good is important to make things work. Why live in a boring world? The world is just too awesome!!