March 20, 2009

My Friend,..

assalamualaikum. may all people in this world always be in Allah's guidance. Ameen.

i would like to share something with people especially with my friends who i prayed will enter Allah's Jannah together with me. i seek guidance from Allah to live in this planet as a human, who only serves his lord, in all means.

i was raised in an environment where knowledge and leadership are stressed upon. failing to strive in both of them was such a guilt. and i know it's nothing wrong with that.

knowledge in some cultures are put in the highest rank in their life. teachers are the holiest job they could think. because knowledge could change the status of the family, ending their poor and disgusting life, then starts a new wealthy and honourable beginning.

on the other hand, leadership is about leaders and followers. and a leader is also a good follower. so, one who are not capable to obey is disqualified from leadership because he is neither a leader nor a follower. people this kind of type are not wanted and they are just blocking the leadership progress. they are like thorns in flesh. what i just talked about is perhaps used in a working place, different than political situations by the way.

leadership is like performing solat. the imam is the leader and the ma'mum is the follower. if the imam dies then the person behind him must take the lead. the ma'mums must be prepared, ready to replace the imam anytime.

same like in the reality, the followers must be prepared, able to take the lead whenever the leader falters. let's ask ourselves, are we living in a true concept of leadership?

the conclusion is, we cant run away from these two important things. without them we become weak and useless. bullied by others. we become their toys. so disgusting. like rubbish.

then, who we are?

we are the sodiers of Allah, who see nothing more rewarding than to die a syahid.



Hazhari Ismail said...
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Hazhari Ismail said...


being a leader is a part of man's responsibilities.. as He said in His noble book, we r born as a caliph.. as a vicegerent in dis world.Every human endeavor needs a unifying and driving force for success and that driving force is ultimately traced to good leadership.

For me, Leadership should not b confused w de role o only those who make headlines but in essence almost everyone have sometimes somewhere, somehow played a leading role. Rasulullah SAW is our best model towards good leader.Sort of..

refer--> (33:21)

Prophet Muhammad, Caliph Abu Bakar, Umar, Othman, n Ali n their successors n achieved highest places in de annals o human history

So, one Q..

R we like them n can be like them?

As-Syukri said...

aik, siapa ini?

Hazhari Ismail said...

just such a jumping blogger..
